Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities: offers unique opportunities and benefits for advertising and sponsorships in the automotive industry. Chevy enthusiasts make up a large portion of the home garage mechanic and enthusiast population especially in the USA. The web site is targeted to the Chevy Camaro owners, performance enthusiasts, racers and hobbyist. Our site caters to auto enthusiasts who are respected for their automotive opinions and either make or are consulted on automotive purchasing decisions.
Advertisers can be represented on our site through:
- Top and bottom leaderboard banner ads (with click-through options) industry standard 500x65 pixels approx.
- A single side skyscraper banner ads. (industry standard: 160x600 pixels)
- A single medium rectangular banner ads. (industry standard: 300x250 pixels)
Note: Rectangle banner ad is available on the homepage only.
Note, we do not offer sponsored text links due to Google page rank penalties. We do not allow our site to be used as an SEO spam platform so requests to post SEO style articles or text links are all refused.
Advertisements can be targeted to automotive subjects on single web pages which target an even more specific audience. Your involvement does not end with sending us a check. We are committed to long term relationships to a targeted market so you can maximize your return.
Site Traffic and Rank:
See Quantcast Measure: traffic
Google Page Rank:
General Advertising Rates:
- $200.00 for six month ad placement on the CamaroTech Home page.
- $150.00 for six month ad placement on any two of our other pages.
We accept the following forms of payment:
- Pay with PayPal (accepts credit cards or PayPal account transfer)
- A check made out to:
Greg Ippolito 1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #192 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-5133
Contact Us:
For advertising and sponsorships inquiries, contact: Contact: Greg Ippolito